Nestled in the Eastern Sierras, Mammoth is one of my favorite places in the world and it holds special meaning to me because my family has had a home there for more than 50 years. I have written about Mammoth quite extensively, including about its history, restaurants, and nearby Mono Lake.
The 17 Best Restaurants In Mammoth – The Infatuation
Best Things to Do in Mammoth Lakes, California – Thrillist
Where to Eat and Drink in Mammoth Lakes – Thrillist
Now a skier’s paradise, Mammoth Lakes was once the site of a booming gold rush – Roadtrippers
Tufa towers, volcanic rocks, and an alien landscape at California’s Mono Lake – Roadtrippers
Great Escape: To conquer Mammoth’s Via Ferrata – Orange County Register (
10 California hotels that are best for stargazing (
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